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发布时间:2023-09-09 03:46人气:


Dixon Jones designs sculptural shipping-container building for Edinburgh


Dixon Jones建筑工作室与雕塑家David Mach共同合作,为爱丁堡活动与销售空间进行方案构思,他们将红色集装箱堆叠在一起。

该项目名为“Mach1”,这座雕塑型建筑位于爱丁堡公园商业区的未开发部分,展示了Dixon Jones的场地整体规划。


Architecture studio Dixon Jones and sculptor David Mach have collaborated on a proposal for an event space and marketing suite in Edinburgh, which will be made from a stack of bright red shipping containers.

Named Mach1, the sculptural building will be located in an undeveloped section of the Edinburgh Park business district to showcase Dixon Jones masterplan for the site.

Comprising of 36 shipping containers it will be British sculptor Machs first building. He has designed the stack of red containers to look like a giant heap of rocks that he recalled from visits to the Fife coastline as a child.

Visual by Elia Loupasaki

Dixon Jones工作室的合伙人Chris Milan说:“我们一直和David有着密切的合作,这是雕塑与建筑的结合。”


"We have been working closely with David to realise his creation, a mix of sculpture and architecture," said Chris Milan, associate director at Dixon Jones.

"The structure is intended to be an eye catching and engaging piece of art, as well as a functional building," he told Dezeen. "We love the way it never seems to sit still – the way it looks so different from every angle."

爱丁堡公园位于城市的西侧,美国建筑师理查德·迈耶在20年前对这个位于苏格兰首都的商业公园进行了规划。其南部地区仍然有待开发,现在由伦敦Dixon Jones工作室和开发商Parabola共同管理。




Located in the west of the city, Edinburgh Park is a business park in the Scottish capital masterplanned by American architect Richard Meier over 20 years ago. The southern quarter remains undeveloped, and is now being overseen by London studio Dixon Jones and developer Parabola.

Alongside the Mach1 marketing suite, the 43-acre site will become host to offices, a public square, sports facilities, shops, restaurants and a health centre.

Once built, Mach1 will be 50 metres long, and 15 metres high. The shipping containers will be painted bright red to echo the aesthetic of the nearby Forth Bridge, and nod to the industrial heritage of the area.

However, the interiors will have a pared-back aesthetic to contrasts its shell and "surprise" visitors.




Dixon Jones工作室由Jeremy Dixon与Edward Jones于1989年创立,其知名项目有伦敦皇家歌剧院的开发设计,该项目近期由Stanton Williams进行了翻新。

其他的集装箱类似项目由TRS工作室在秘鲁设计的经济适用房、开罗的City of the Dead迷你住宅,以及卡塔尔2022年FIFA世界杯足球场。

渲染图:Assembly Studios(除非特别标注)

At the heart of the building there will be a double-height exhibition space, which will be used to showcase the masterplan through information boards, drawings and an array of detail and scale models.

This flexible space will feature gallery-like walls and lighting that accommodates changing displays. The building will be complete with a small cafe, work spaces and a large meeting room on the second floor.

Mach1 scheme is currently going through planning, with the hope for construction to begin early next year. Meanwhile, work on the first phase of Edinburgh Parks southern quarter is to due to begin in the next few weeks.

Dixon Jones is a London architecture studio founded by Jeremy Dixon and Edward Jones in 1989. It is famed for projects including its redevelopment of Londons Royal Opera House in the 1990s, which was more recently overhauled by Stanton Williams.

Other building proposals on Dezeen that make use of shipping containers include TRS Studios affordable housing in Peru, micro-housing for City of the Dead in Cairo and a football stadium for the 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar.

Renders are by Assembly Studios unless stated.

